Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Information about Baclofen

Baclofen  is a derivative of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA). It is primarily used to treat spasticity and is in the early research stages for use for the treatment of alcoholism. It is also used by compounding pharmacies in topical pain creams as a muscle relaxant.
It is an agonist for the GABAB receptors. Its beneficial effects in spasticity result from actions at spinal and supraspinal sites. Baclofen can also be used to treat hiccups, and has been shown to prevent rises in body temperature induced by the drug MDMA in rats.
In addition, research has shown baclofen to be effective in the treatment of alcohol dependence and withdrawal, by inhibiting both withdrawal symptoms and cravings.
Similarly, baclofen assists with a number of the symptoms of opiate withdrawal including muscle cramps and muscle pain as well as the intense shivering often experienced. It may also reduce the general sense of dysphoria and allow some respite from the worst of the symptoms.
A beneficial property of Baclofen  is that tolerance does not seem to occur to a significant degree — baclofen retains its therapeutic anti-spasmodic effects even after many years of continued use. Newer studies, however, indicate that tolerance may develop in some patients receiving intrathecal baclofen treatment.
Baclofen is primarily used for the treatment of spastic movement disorders, especially in instances of spinal cord injury, cerebral palsy, and multiple sclerosis.Its use in people with stroke or Parkinson disease is not recommended.Baclofen produces its effects by activating the GABAB receptor, similar to the drug GHB which also activates this receptor and shares some of its effects. However, baclofen does not have significant affinity for the GHB receptor, and has no known abuse potential The modulation of the GABAB receptor is what produces baclofen's range of therapeutic properties.Baclofen is a white (or off white) mostly odorless crystalline powder, with a molecular weight of 213.66 g/mol. It is slightly soluble in water, very slightly soluble in methanol, and insoluble in chloroform.

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